


Snow Digging World Cup in Hijiori Onsen!

Feb.26 (Sat) - Feb.27 (Sun)
Price: 7,000 YEN 

“Jimen Dashi”, or snow digging has been a traditional winter sports in Hijiori Hot Spring in Yamagata prefecture. Hijiori is located deep in the mountain, and is known for heavy snow fall and high quality hot spring for Toji*

Hijiori will hold 2nd Snow Digging World Cup which is not really a world cup since we have never had foreign participants! So we’d love to recruit you!

<Rule> One team should be between 2-6 people. Rule is simple. Dig dig dig the snow until you reach the “earth”. Fastest team wins! (If you apply individually, we’ll hook you up with other people!

<<Feb.26, Sat>>
1400                  Meet at West Exit of JR SHINJO Station
1500                  Arrive at Hijiori Onsen. “Ryokan Murai Rokusuke”
1800-                Authentic Hijiori Style Dinner & party  
<<FEb.27, Sun>>
9:30                    Japanese style Breakfast
9:30                   Get ready and leave for Hijiori school ground (15min walk)
1000-1245        Snow Digging World Cup. Gambare!
1300-                 Lunch at a local restaurant *not included in the price
1400                  Sayonara (We’ll take you to JR Shinjo St.)

How to make a reservation
Write to rimiko@gmail.com with -Your Full Name –Nationality
-Mobile number  -E-mail address & “team name” if you have one!

Contact Person: RIMIKO MURAI    Mobile: 080-6009-9835    E-mail: rimiko@gmail.com
Organizer: Mogami International Toji Research Institute in cooperation with: Mogami no Genki Kenkyusho     Planner: Tojisha

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