


Happy Faces of Children

15 people evacuated to my Ryokan from Soma city (Fukushima) 20 days ago. Today is their last day... They are leaving tomorrow.

They really like it here. one of them told me "This place is heaven! We are going back to hell" :-(

But the kids are starting school, and they need to be near their house so that they could go there to clear the rubbles and clean it. 

They will be staying in one of the shelters. I really hope they'll get to stay in a nice place...

We have spent a lot of time together, so I'm gonna miss them so much. 

These pictures are from last Friday when we played this special game called "Igo Ball" at Hijiori center. About 30 people participated, and it was so much fun!

They have made friends with the locals:-)

Yesterday, we went for a sleigh ride. It's April already and it's still snowing in Hijiori... So we have plenty of snow to play with. 

There is a huge snow man made for a Winter Festival which never took place due to the earthquake. But kids can go there and play around the snow man. The back of the snow man is a good ski slope for the kids.  

It doesn't snow much in Soma city, so the kids were so excited to play in the snow. For some of them, it was first time to sleigh in the snow!

They loved it so much that they begged me to go again today. As a matter of fact they are playing there again at this moment. I told them I have to work, but I'll be there in a moment :-b

So I'd better get going before they start whining... :-)

Tonight, we are planning a small farewell party. We'll have "Takoyaki" party in my Ryokan. 

I have invited some local friends. So it'll be a nice night. 

Today, a 5 year old girl, Mi-chan told me, "Rimi-san, I have written a letter for you!", which was of course, supposed to be a secret! 

Oh, I'm gonna miss those kids so much !


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