


Tsunami Relief Volunteer Life in Ishinomaki

My team, "Volunteer Center Support Group Yamagata" is currently recruiting individual volunteers to work with us in Ishinomaki. If any of you are interested in working with us, please let me know!

So today I write about a life of volunteers. 
If you come to Ishinomaki to do volunteer work, the first place you should go is Ishinomaki Volunteer Center in Ishinomaki Senshu University. 

All the volunteers register themselves here every morning at 8:00, and they go to work. There is a a small prefabricated house by the volunteer center with all the necessary tools so if you forgot to bring something, you could borrow it here. 

Also this is a place to go to get information. The billboard here is full of posters. Some recruiting people with certain skills such as hair cutting, acupuncture, and Cairo practice. Others got info about shower(!) available for volunteers. Some Ryokans in nearby hot spring town was offering a free tour to take Onsen!!

Senshu University campus is packed with colorful tents tents tents!! There are volunteers from all over Japan and from some foreign countries. Although there are huge numbers of people living here, the place is amazingly organized. There are few cases of theft, and I've never heard of any big fight or disturbance. 

There are clean toilets for volunteers. Amazingly enough, there is a national NGO called "A Group to learn from cleaning", and they clean all the toilets everyday!! Arigato!! 

There is no shower on campus. But as I've mentioned, it is available in some places. Japanese Self De fence Force is also offering showers during certain time of a day. 

There are some big supermarkets and pubs in the walking distance. Having a car would be convenient, but it's totally OK not to have a car. Our group has 2 bicycles. 

For the moment, we are pitching 3 tents in the camp site. But if somebody wants to work with our team, there is another wonderful option to stay in the small community center of my colleague from Ishinomaki. 

Her community is called "Shinohata", about 20 min by car from the university. It's a lovely little place in front of a shrine. It's got a kitchen, a toilet, and 2 big rooms. Most of our volunteers are staying here now since it's more comfortable. We get to cook together!

One of the neighbors are offering us to take a bath at her house every night! She is such a lovely "Obachan"!

I slept one night here at the community center, and another night at the tent. Community center is a lot more comfortable, needless to say, but if you stay in the tent, you get to meet other volunteers, which is fun as well... 

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