


Planting SOYA in Naruko Onsen (Miyagi Pref)

On June 18th, I went to Naruko Onsen to join the "TOJI + SOYA" event. Naruko Onsen is in Miyagi Prefecture (East of Yamagata) and is one of the few places in Miyagi that still has "Toji" culture.  This day, about 70 people joined DAIZU(Soya) TOJI tour from Tokyo!

We, Team Mogami were asked to serve special lunch for the participants!! 

5 Mogami farmers joined the event. They sold their products such as Warabi, Shiitake and Black Rice.

I promoted Hijiori Onsen by wearing this special Happi uniform. I was happy to know that so many of Tokyo participants actually had heard of Hijiori :-)

It was so hot!! While everyone was planting Soya, we were all busy preparing lunch!

チャンチャカチャーン!This is the Pround Mogami Lunch! On the Magnolia leave is 2 Onigiri, made of white and black rice/ Warabi pickes / fried Fuki and carrots / Mizu pickles" These are all wild vegetables from Mogami mountains. / baked Shiitake/ and The soup contains potatos, mountain vegetables and "controversial" whale meat. 
 (nobody here thinks it's controversial though since whale meat has been part of the diet here since anybody could remember)

Yeah! The event was a big success! Everybody liked our lunch! みんなで はい チーズ!

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