



This is Rimiko. Internet is finally back. I checked my facebook and found many messages from my friends all over the world, worrying about me. They made me cry... 

In my hometown, Hijiori, (in Yamagata prefecture, west of Miyagi) the electricity came back last night. Until then, we depended all information on radio. We were hearing that many towns were completely destroyed but it was just surreal and couldn't imagine what was happening. 

Finally we can watch TV, and I've lost words. I was working in Sendai last year, and I was actually in Sendai the day before the earthquake. I have a lot of friends in Miyagi, and Fukushima, and I haven't been able to contact many of them....

At 14:45 on Friday, I was working on the event we were planning for Saturday, on the first floor of my Ryokan. All of a sudden my cellphone rang. It was an alarm for the earthquake. About 5 seconds later, it started shaking. I waited for it to end, but it didn't and it got even stronger. 

I rushed outside. It was snowing heavily. I could see the buildings shaking with loud noise. I saw electric wires moving like jumping ropes. 

But the buildings were OK and nobody was hurt in Hijiori. 

My sister lives in Sendai. At night, finally we got to contact her. She was OK. but her apartment was a chaos. She said all the dishes in her room were shuttered, TV and microwave fell and everything in her fridge fell out. She evacuated to a nearby elementary school. 

We spent a night in a candle light. It was cold but we had a heater that didn't use electricity, plus my Ryokan had Onsen poring out so we were OK.

My 6 year old nephew was very shocked. He couldn't stop crying. He brought out all his stuffed animals to cheer himself up. He fell asleep, crying... 

He keeps asking "Is earthquake coming again?" But the electricity is back so my nephews seem to feel much better. 

Being next to Miyagi, I feel like I should be there to help. But the reality is, I don't know what to do. 

My friends in Sendai are saying that the shops are empty, and there are long queues in front of convenience stores so if I cannot secure my own food and shelter, I cannot go there. 

Also, gas is a big problem. The only gas station in my hometown is selling only 10 liter of gas per person. 

They are saying that we might have another huge earthquake within 3 days. This morning, we had quite a big one, and we keep feeling the ground shake...

I'm praying for all my friends in Miyagi and Fukushima. I don't know the whereabouts of many of my friends yet. Please be alive!!!!! 

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