


Report from my sister in Sendai

My sister works in Sendai. She is ok, and she has been looking how she could help. She just wrote to me so I want to share it.

"Today (March 13) I went to my workplace but the building was closed and I couldn't go in. But I got to meet all my colleagues. They are all safe. I went home and took a nap since I couldn't sleep last night. 

After that, I went to a nearby elementary school where people are evacuated. I helped making Onigiri. I handed out the masks I had at home and asked each person if he/she needed anything. They all had horrible experiences, and wanted to share their stories with me. They kept talking as if talking itself was a console. Some people were weeping and they brought me tears...

I took some people's thermos bottles home to fill them with hot water. I cooked rice and made more Onigiri for them. 

I know being there (Yamagata) would be harder than being here because here I can actually help people. I can imagine how hard it must be to watch all this on TV and not being able to do anything. 

I can work for the people because I know all my family is safe. I'll do what I can do on your behalf."


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